The Start of Something Sexy

The year was 1996…

The summer was hot and I was working at Slack Alice’s in Penticton. I had some elastic (lots of elastic actually), some grommets, a pair of scissors, a hammer, and a block of wood. I worked on the roof-top patio all week, hammering away until I had come up with a full 2-piece bodycage (body cage). The torso was one piece and then the legs had suspenders that came from the middle of the back and around the front of my shoulders to fasten behind my neck. I wore it for the first time during my very last show of the week. I had troubles getting out of it and had to go into the shower with it on (I was encored). The guys didn’t care, it was a huge hit. From that experience though, I learned that I had to find a better way to make them (my hands were killing me from bruises and blisters), the edges of the elastics were all frayed (from wearing it once) and it needed to be MUCH easier (and more graceful) to get off. Back to the drawing board I went.

Over the years, I made a bodycage (body cage) to match all of my costumes and it became a signature thing for me for 9+ years while I danced on stage. The response from agents, clubs, customers and other dancers was HUGE. I kept them exclusive for many years, while perfecting the styles, before I slowly started making them for my closest friends and family. The demand for them grew. That’s how my little “business” got started.

My first bodycage design.

My first bodycage design.

EDITED: as per requested, I added a larger pic.

Full bodycage design

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